To carry out long-term investment projects in the wood sector.

In addition to its ecological value, the forest also offers significant economic benefits. Vireo is a company that promotes both the ecological and economic benefits of trees. In the context of our activity, we address the following :

Entreprises : why trust Vireo for your CSR projects?

Although some companies perceive CSR projects as another constraint, it should be noted that CSR (social and environmental responsibility) offers many advantages. Indeed, CSR allows you to improve your company's image, to stand out from your competitors and to protect the environment in the best way. For your CSR reforestation projects, Vireo offers you full support, sound advice and, above all, rigorous follow-up. With Vireo, not only are you building our future, but you are also boosting your company's reputation.

Why invest in trees and forest ?

Since the dawn of mankind, man has always needed wood and other forest resources. In the modern age, we need them more than ever. Whether for construction, heating, food, etc., trees, wood and forest resources are indispensable. Investing in trees and forests is a wise choice. Green investment offers many advantages in terms of diversification and inheritance. Even more so when it is a fast growing market.

If you want to get a lot of benefits in the long term, invest in planting paulownia and rely on the services of an expert like Vireo.

Vireo : an opportunity for land resource owners

Owning agricultural land is a key factor for well-being, prosperity and success in Madagascar. The market for the sale and rental of land has become increasingly active in the island over the past 20 years. In this respect, agricultural areas represent a high percentage.

For owners of unused agricultural land, Vireo is the best solution for making a profit. Through contract farming, we enable private landowners to make their property profitable and at the same time contribute to the protection of the environment.

What will be the perceived benefits ?

As forest restoration is a rapidly growing field in Madagascar, Vireo provides its partners with one of the best silvicultural solutions. By getting more involved in this long-term contract farming project, you will not only benefit from an excellent reputation but also from an increase in your turnover. Our experienced technicians will provide you with support from A to Z and are at your disposal. One of our values is to establish complete transparency in our future collaboration with companies, investors and private individuals. Dare to showcase your assets by opting for the plantation of paulownia in Madagascar.