Vireo, the forestry solution in Madagascar

Vireo is a company that offers a rational and profitable alternative to the exploitation of forest resources.

With Vireo, not only are you affirming your ecological responsibility, but you are also investing in a sure thing. We offer you a unique opportunity to make a profit with our contract farming, reforestation coaching and project-based partnerships.

Our mission

Vireo offers a two-in-one solution for social enterprises and individual investors. On the one hand, we offer direct involvement in the forest recovery of Madagascar. On the other hand, we offer an efficient solution to make the invested capital profitable.

Our vision

We aspire to become the pioneer in the forestry sector in Madagascar by providing relevant and effective solutions. Our goal is also to provide a fair compromise between ecology and economy.

Our values

In our activity, we rely on 4 fundamental values: transparency in our future collaborations, respect for the forestry situation in Madagascar (responsible exploitation), innovation in our processes and above all patience.

History of Vireo

A clear awareness

In spite of the demand for wood that increases every year, people still ignore the economic potential of forest resources. Beyond the ecological aspect, the wood is a real economic breeding ground. We have noticed that most people do not invest enough in this sector. Aware of the scarcity of wood and forest resources, we have implemented a silvicultural initiative to provide an ecological and economic solution.

The birth of Vireo

Beginning of the project

In 2019, we started our silvicultural project with investigations and interviews with some stakeholders in the sector. We have selected Paulownia, the most suitable species and one that offers significant economic potential.

Experimental phase

In 2019 - 2020, we started planting a local paulownia variety on a 1 ha plot. The result was a failure, as we ran into various problems including technical and management issues.

Recovery from failure

After our failure, we created our own paulownia species with the support of experts. In 2020, we selected paulownia varieties that meet market conditions and criteria, are suitable for Madagascar's soil and climate conditions, and offer significant economic value.

Launch of Vireo

The year 2022 marks the appearance of Vireo as a pioneer in the forestry sector in Madagascar. After 2 years of hard work, we have obtained 4 varieties of paulownia including 2 hybrids. The performance of our varieties and hybrids is excellent. However, our research continues in order to anticipate changes, especially in the climate.


Contract farming signed


years of experience in planting paulownia


International partnership


paulownia varieties including 2 hybrids

Meet our team

Gathered around a common vision, the Vireo team not only has the necessary will to carry out your project, but also possesses the indispensable expertise to guarantee its success.

Did you know ?

Did you know that Malagasy forest areas decreased by 44% between 1953 and 2014? In the period from 2010 to 2014 alone, Madagascar lost more than 37% of its forest area. The annual deforestation rate is 1.1%.

Did you know that our constant need for wood is one of the main causes of the depletion and destruction of forest resources? 90% of Malagasy households use wood for heating and cooking. However, there are also other causes of deforestation (wood production, bush fires, conversion to agricultural land and illegal logging).

The operating cycle per tree

1) Pine between 30 and 50 years old

2) Eucalyptus between 7 and 12 years

3) Rosewood 60 years

4) Paulownia 7 years